Past Issue
International Artist 94
December/January 2014
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 94 of International ArtistDemonstrations & Workshops
Working with a Limited Pallete
Artist Elaine Hahn begins with a palette of three colors and white and black when creating her highly realistic paintings
Keeping Portraits Fresh
When beginning each portrait, Albert Slark considers the situation in front of him including colour, location and lighting
KC Collins
Capturing Atmosphere and LIght
Brent Jensen
Plein Air Strategies
Loren DiBenedetto
Compose a Natural Setup
Kingsley Owen
Composition Stages
Painting Workshop
New Zealand artist Richard Robinson critiques some student paintings from his online workshop and demonstrates key points with his own painting
Maintain Artistic Identity
MaryAnn Bidder stays true to herself as an artist by using a small brush and adding details to her watercolours
Combination of Techniques
Atanas Matsoureff brings together multiple techniques in his watercolours including wet-on-wet and drybrush
Exploring the Colour Black
John Lovett explores the use of black in watercolours
Johannes Wessmark
Aspects of Photorealism
The Art of the Portrait
Chairman's Letter
Master Showcase
Paul Newton
The Story of a Once in a Lifetime Project Interview
The Flesh of the Matter
An interview with Sharon Sprung
Methods to Gain Exposure
Is exposure all that's needed to start people talking?
Discovering Art: The Making of an Artist Part 50
Perspective Brushwork and First Light in St. Mark's Square, Venice
Important Principles of Art
Harley Brown's fascinating things no one else will tell you