Past Issue
International Artist 93
October/November 2013
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 93 of International ArtistDemonstrations & Workshops
Variety Creates Balance
Timothy Rees guides viewers through his paintings by thinking of opposition in components such as size, color and brushstroke application
Overcoming Challenges
The ability to problem solve has allowed Ann Morton to overcome any painting challenges she might face
Undercoat Color as a Tool of Expression
Creating Depth
Cindy Sorley-Keichinger layers acrylics then drybrushes details to produce illusions of depth
Saturated Wet Paper Technique
Cheng-Khee Chee shows his dynamic process that unifies opposing elements in his watercolors
Swinging Shutters
John Lovett shows how to paint perspective in several compositions that include shutters
A Reverse Approach
Recently, Kerry Brooks has taken an interest in pulling lights out of dark backgrounds
An Abundance of Preparation
From perfecting setups to photographing each element, Daniel K. Tennant meticulously readies for his still life paintings
The Art of the Portrait
Chairman's Letter
Master Showcase
Drawing the Art of Life
Drawing the Art of Life with Leslie Adams the 2013 International Portrait Competition William F. Draper Grand Prize Winner
Hodges Soileau
A demonstration in oil
Weighing Opportunities
Look at all opportunities presented and carefully decide which are the best for your art career.
The Making of an Artist Part 49
Low Saturation Field and Chinese Laundry
Important Principles of Art
Harley Brown's fascinating things no one else will tell you