Past Issue
International Artist 100
December/January 2015
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 100 of International ArtistDemonstrations & Workshops
Turning on the Light
Timothy Horn shares his understanding of capturing the light in landscape paintings
From Abstract to Realism
Gerry Thompson creates her realistic works by first painting abstract shapes
Exploration of Landscapes
Through three demonstrations, Judith I. Bridgland experiments with composition, texture and patterns in landscape paintings
Compositional Elements
Julia Hargreaves aims to include a triangle composition in each of her paintings
Multiple Methods
Using her own set of rules and knowledge of paints, Kathleen Giles combines techniques to create dramatic and realistic watercolors
Painting Flesh Tones
Fred Wessel uses age-old techniques to render lifelike skin tones in her egg tempera works
Combining Watercolour and Acrylic
Paula Henchell explores mixed media methods by pouring watercolour and painting with acrylics
Professional Artist: Does Your Art Really Communicate?
Engage audiences through focused channels of communication
Painting Workshop
New Zealand artist Richard Robinson critiques some student paints from his online workshop and demonstrates key points with his own painting
Discovering Art: The Making of an Artist Part 56
Point, Line & Mass and Night Vendor
Important Principles of Art
Harley Brown's fascinating things no one else will tell you